Monday, June 24, 2013

Part Deux: Online Dating

My fitbit finally came and!  My favorite part is the sleep monitor; it tells you how many times you wake up during the night and how many hours you actually sleep.  I don't know how it does it, but it does.  I actually thought I was walking a lot more during my internship at the hospital but its not as impressive as I thought it would be.  Gotta work on getting more steps in!

I've been waking up at 5 every morning for the past week and a half to get my workout in.  This needs to be a new habit.  Because I've been a big huge list whore as of late, here are some reasons why this needs to continue:
- I get something accomplished at the start of the day, and that feels awesome
- I have more energy during the day, which means I'm more effective when treating my patients 
- I can relax when I get home
Yup, that's all I got....

I gave in and joined a stupid online dating site...AGAIN.  I don't know whether it was out of boredom, loneliness, or sheer desperation...or a combo of all...but it's done.  There are some creeps out there let me tell you.  My personal favorites are the dudes who email at least 2x a day and despite my not answering them, they continue to send me stupid messages.  "Just give me your number, I really want to get to know you better."  Seriously dude?!  We've never spoken, what makes you think I'm forking that over?!  Oh wait no, the other favorite are the guys who not only send stalker messages but you can see they've stalked your profile multiple times a day for days at a time.  Get.a.JOB!!!!!  Or if you have one, be better at it!!  
Here's another list: this one comprises all the things that will ensure I don't message you back...
-you write in your profile that you like all kinds of music.  If you say this but name specific bands, ill let it slide.  But this generic blanket statement is bo-RING!!  
-your personal message to me only says "hi" or "you're hot" or "hey what's up?"  Again, boring.  Come up with something witty, please.
-your pics include you with your shirt off, you flexing, you in a get the point
-you continuously state how nice of a guy you are in your profile.  This means you're probably a mega douche.
So needless to say online dating hasn't been very productive for me thus far, but I'm cheap and refuse to pay for a site until I have a full time job so this crap will have to do for now.  Hopefully I won't need to pay for one and will NOT be single in 2 years but I'm not so sure about that.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Wtf Happened?

I don't even know why I bother blogging, because I never keep up with it.  Then I watch an episode of Sex and the City, get all kinds of inspired by Carrie's quips and musings, and that (temporarily) motivates me to get back on here and write.  Damn I love that show.

I ordered a fitbit today.  My cousin actually enabled me in doing so.  It's a cool new toy that will hopefully keep me motivated to get and stay in gear.  I've actually been doing pretty well on the fitness/wellness front: just moved into a beach house, away from all the drama of the old shit hole we lived in.  My roommate actually made a comment the other night , saying how I seem a lot more relaxed in the new place and less moody.  I'd have to concur.  I also started my internship at a hospital so I'm on my feet most of the day which is great.  OH!!  I forgot to mention one of the added perks of the beach house (besides being on the FREAKIN' BEACH!) is that we have an extra room that I was able to transform into a workout room.  I love that I can keep my fitness equipment all over the place and not have to worry about tripping over it.  It makes things so much easier!  I'm trying to get our landlord to rip up the carpeting though because the people who lived there before us didnt give a crap and smoked in there; not to mention they also had a dog (violation of the lease) so it smells like a wet dog walked into a pool hall.  Not ideal but I'm hoping this dude will fix it up.  It works for now.

Ugh now for the nonexistent love front.  Bill turned out to be a huge douche.  I don't even get what happened because he made a complete 180.  Even my friends were shocked so for once it wasnt just me being naive.  A couple of weeks after I wrote my last entry, he texted me on a Sunday asking if I wanted to go out to dinner that Friday.  He said he wanted to surprise me so I was REALLY excited.  Well, let me tell you the date was a fucking disaster from the minute he showed up.  Here it is in most of its glory, bulletpointed for your reading pleasure:
~He showed up late.  I was in the middle of finishing an Internet post for a school assignment and he got pissy when I wanted to complete ONE sentence before we left because he was hungry.  Awww poor baby I didn't realize you hadn't eaten since 1994.  My bad.
~He told me how my roommate John made numerous comments on how "amazing" my breasts are and to make sure he grabbed them.  Uh guess what you're NOT doing tonight, buddy.  Not to mention, how the eff would John know what they are like because I wasnt going near that with a 10 foot pun intended.
~He told me how he stalked his ex.  Multiple times.  Oh and how he's socially awk (no shit).
~He asked me what the names of all my exes are.  I go "that's not important" and he says "yes it is."  I'm like "why so you can facebook stalk them??" And he goes "maybe."  Um BYEEEE!!
~He took my effing leftovers home.  Oh but wait...he made sure to text me the next day to tell me how delicious they were.
~He asked me if I was on birth control.  First off, let me clear this up: we did not have sex.  We were not going to have sex.  I wanted him back on the expressway, going the opposite way of any place I might be.  Anyway, I told him I'm not on BC and he was like "well why not?!" And I'm like "um because I'm not having sex and I'm not gonna put myself on hormones when I'm not exclusively dating anyone since I won't be sleeping with them" and he goes "well maybe you should change that."  Well maybe you should blow me and GTFO.  

The next day he texted me all day.  I couldn't take it.  Just seeing his name made my blood boil and I think I felt a little bit of vomit creep up my throat.  I told my roommate about it so with the next text, he goes "gimme your phone."  So I did.  And he writes back "look, you're just not mature enough to date me.  Last night was awkward and I don't want to see you again." And that was that.  Cowardly of me, yes, but I never said I wasn't.

Then I met this guy when Amy and I went out one night.  We had met a few months ago and I guess he texted me and I never responded, so he thought I wasn't interested.  But I actually was.  The night we met up again, we hung out til 7am talking and I had a great time with this guy.  He said he wanted to hang out again and take me out to dinner.  We talked all week.  THEN the fucking bomb drops and he tells me some chick he was seeing a few months ago finally decided to get serious and settle down and be exclusive.  He's like "I'm probably making a huge mistake but I have to take a chance because I really like her.  You probably hate my guts right now and I deserve it."  I didn't even answer, I just hung up and immediately deleted his number.  Again, real mature I know but I felt like an idiot.  And idiot who was strung along and led to believe stupid bullshit...again.

I get so frustrated because I really want to meet someone serious.  I'm tired of the while dating around crap.  I did a year of that, I'm done.  I'm old.  I want to meet someone sincere and fun and caring and yes, I'm a total girl and I wanna get married before I turn 100.  So that's that.