About This Blog

I started blogging about 3 years ago (wow, I can't believe it's been that long). I wanted to lose weight desperately and I was going through so many changes in my life; at 29, I decided to quit my full time job and pursue my dream career. This meant going back to school full time, applying to grad schools, and starting to work on my doctorate once I got accepted. It's been a long road and when I look back, I can't believe how much I've accomplished in 3 years. That being said, my weightloss efforts were less than futile. I lost some, I gained a lot: I have a problem dealing with stress and get easily overwhelmed, so everything that was piling up on my plate got the better of me.

I abandoned my previous blog in hopes that a new one would welcome a new start. Also, I thought it would be fun to document what goes on as a 30-something grad student. I started writing about it on the old blog, but then I realized a weightloss-focused forum really wasn't the place to do that. So here I am!

Let me tell you something: I may be in my early 30s but I definitely don't act OR feel like I am. Most of my classmates are under the impression I'm 25/26 and I don't bother to correct them. When I first moved away for grad school, I found that a lot of people judged me based on my age and wouldn't give me the time of day because of the age difference, as most of them are fresh out of college. It's also kinda funny going to bars and meeting new people, and seeing the look on their face when I tell them how old I actually am. Even funnier is when I need to prove it by taking out my license. What can I say, I have great genes ;)

I'm living it up in grad school, the way in which I wish I had done in undergrad. I met some really great, TRUE friends, and enjoy going out and meeting new people. I was in a long distance relationship in undergrad and was too shy to branch out, not to mention I was hundreds of miles from home in a hick town that I hated so I just spent my days wishing time by. Now it's different and I feel like I'm getting a second, (slightly) more mature college experience with all the ups and downs that come along with it.

I'm warning you right now: I"m not gonna hold anything back with this blog. If something raunchy happens, so be it; it's going on here. I've also changed everyone's names for the sake of anonymity. No one wants to be associated with this!

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