Saturday, March 23, 2013

One More Tidbit

Everyone's heard the thing where baby carrots are just big carrots chopped up. That still didnt stop Ms. Lazy from buying the baby ones...until I found out how much cheaper the big carrots are!! I think I got a whole bag for $1.29; the babies I get are usually $2 and change. Yah so I had to prepare them myself, but it took all of 5 min to peel and chop for the week. Consider myself schooled!

87 Days to Go...

Welllll I suck. Big time. I royally messed up my diet last night with too many drinks, a big ass slice of pizza for dinner, and a late night food run at 3am. Actually, the pizza fell in plan because I was still under my calories and macros, and the drinks did too cuz I budgeted for them, but I didn't see the after-hours binge coming. I was STARVING and at 3am, I'm really not in the mood to grill chicken or eat beans and brown rice. But now I feel like a huge bloated failure. I tried a pair of khakis on that I'm gonna need for clinical and they are clinging on for dear life. They were tight before, but they are ridiculous now, to the point of cutting off circulation. I really want to get back on track but it is so unbelievably hard. I don't know how I got this far off the wagon, and it sucks. It makes me feel like a big fat loser. UGH.

I'm gonna try something new today; instead of flying on a whim with meals and snacks and stuff, I'm planning EVERYTHING and throwing it into the MFP tracker. This way, when I get hungry I don't have to think about what I'm gonna eat cuz I already know. This is gonna take some work and is a time commitment but it NEEDS to happen. I also went on Pinterest and pinned a bunch of recipes I can make this week when I get back to school with stuff I already have at home to break the monotony being that I've been eating the same effing meals for the past 2 months!! So there are 87 days left which is roughly 3 months; if I can drop a pound a week, that's 12 pounds by the deadline, which is where I was when I started P90X last year. Once I get back on my own and away from the temptations of being at my parents' house, it might be a little easier to stick to plan.

Speaking of going back, I really wish Amy had her clinical close to where we live now instead of going back to the city to do it. We want to move out SO badly, but she doesn't wanna pay for a month of rent when she doesn't need to, and I don't blame her. I chose to do my clinical near school because I figured I'm already paying June rent at our house so I might as well take advantage and stay there. Too bad the majority of our housemates suck. It's three girls and three guys; my douchebag landlady decided to squeeze two people into one room because she is a greedy fuck. That turned into a huge battle because it violated our lease that specified FIVE people max, so I called her out on it and got my rent reduced by a lot. Let me tell you, living with six people blows, especially when half of those people are dirty, lazy fucks. I don't get how these people function; one girl is a princess and God forbid you ask her to take out the garbage. She acts like you asked her to dispose of hazardous waste and forget it if she already took a shower cuz then taking out the garbage ain't happening. Her idea of cleaning the bathroom is running a we cloth on the counter. Oh and she hasn't washed her sheets since we moved in in JUNE. Gross. And this chick is in her late 20s so she is old enough to be past the college phase. Now we have the boys; they don't empty the dishwasher, they leave dirty dishes in the sink for weeks (no exaggeration), clog our toilets and don't bother to unclog them, don't take out the garbage so it overflows onto the floor, steal other people's food then deny it, leave caked on crud all over the stove and I need to go on?! Actually, one of the three guys is great because he actually cleans and goes out of his way to help us girls. We call him the dad of the house. Scary thing is he's the youngest but by far the most mature. He sent me a pic this morning that got my blood boiling: a wad of gum stuck to our coffee table because one of the roommates was too lazy to throw it out. Are you fucking kidding me?! Holy crap I'm dreading going back. I'm seriously contemplating living in my car for the next 3 months. At least I know I can't get sepsis there.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

89 Days...

Yesterday was actually the first day in a really long time that I was able to stick to the plan: minimal sugar, less snacking, and stuck to my macros. Yay! I did Cardio Legs too, which is basically a leg workout on crack. It has short bursts of HIIT, interspersed with weighted leg exercises. My hamstrings are on fire today so I guess it's good that upper body is on tap. I think I'm doing bis and tris and then a quick overall upper body lifting routine for a total of 60 min of weights. I like upper body days. They make me feel strong!

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

90 Days to Go

I've been on spring break for 6 days now, and I've been eating like a pig. St. Patty's Day was this past weekend, and believe me I drank like a drunken sailor (stupid Jack Daniels taunting me). I can't believe summer is 3 months away! I mentioned this on the other blog: I started Cathe's XTrain 90-day undulating rotation last week (not that working out did any good because I ate like a gavone). Seriously though, I was reading fitness articles online last night and the main message driven home was the majority of weightloss efforts start and end in the kitchen. I also learned that you should do no more than 45-60 min/day of cardio because anything over that isn't beneficial at all, and may even thwart your efforts. I can do this. I need to plan. That's what it boils down to: PLANNING. Oh and not being a lazy fuck.

Last Friday, Amy and I decided to stay at the house for one extra night before break in favor of going to the bar. I don't know when I grew a pair but I saw a cute guy walk in (we'll call him Alex) and I decided to start talking to him; I very rarely approach guys, especially at bars. I usually sit there and try to make eyes, hoping he'd get the hint to come over and talk to me but the only ones reeled in by that lame attempt are dirt bags or weirdos. Oh and let's take a moment to discuss my LOVELY outfit that night: a Gaslight Anthem t-shirt, black hoodie, and yoga pants. Oh and minimal makeup. I looked like a hot mess, but surprisingly this guy actually gave me the time of day. We exchanged numbers and he said something along the lines of wanting to take me out to dinner sometime, but I blew it off because guys say lots of shit they don't mean. The next day he texted me and we talked for a little while, and he asked again if I'd like to get dinner/drinks when I got back to school and I said yes. Let's see if this actually happens. Like I said, guys are jerks and from my experience, they rarely ever follow up on plans they say they're gonna do. I did like this kid though, and he was fun (added plus: he listens to hard rock), so we'll see. If it keeps me from going back to online dating then I'm all for it!

Speaking of online dating, I went to lunch with the girls on Saturday once I got up to my parents' house. My one friend Marie is married with two kids. Her husband is awesome, and her girls are so cute. Marie was my BFF in middle school and high school, and she hasn't changed one bit. She takes me for who I am and doesn't shove shit down my throat, and I love her for that since that's how friends SHOULD be. My other friend, Liz, however, is someone to whom I'd like to deliver a hammerfist to the face. She is one of the most pretentious people I've ever met in my entire life. If you don't do things her way, then you suck and you might as well kill yourself now because you're not up to her standards. She is dating this total douche bag and they just had the marriage talk despite their being together for 2 fucking years! I went to Vegas with this kid and I almost pushed him off the balcony; he is RUDE, disrespectful, and completely socially stunted. One night, we came back from a bar and because they had to stay in the tower (they were too good for where the rest of us were staying), he refused to walk me back to my room and was gonna let me walk 4AM. I wound up calling my brother to come down to the lobby and get me and I thought he was gonna punch this kid in the face the next day. Oh wait, can we talk about how when they go out to dinner, they order one meal and she eats whatever she wants off the plate and he eats the rest? Classy. But I digress. So of course because she has a boyfriend (doesn't matter whether she's happy or not), she is the shit so she felt the need to basically tell me I'm a loser for being single at 32. Oh yeah and also how I should start paying for online dating services because I'm not "taking this dating thing seriously." Are you fucking kidding me?! Go suck it. Ok, I will admit that being single isn't always fun and I do get lonely sometimes, but at the same time, I'm going for my fucking doctorate. I don't need anyone. The whole point of this is for me to be self-sufficient and not have to rely on a guy for anything. So have fun, Ms. Repressed Stepford Wife. Don't judge me!